

So 7years ago today we were getting ready to get married. Things were very very different then. We lived in San Francisco. We still had Newg and Ninny though Hotspur was no longer with us. Even the human friendships were different then than they are now, though many we still have. And new ones, in another state.

Things change, many things remain.And J and I have changed too. But what has endured is how happy we are when we think of our wedding and how we still love each other. We’ve taken a number of pretty hard knocks these seven years yet somehow we keep going. I still admire him. I still think he’s the smartest man I’ve ever met. I know he’s the kindest most attentive father I could have dreamed of for our child. He’s patient and loving with me and the cats. I hope we can make it for another 7 times 7. I think there is a pretty good chance.

And like we hoped every anniversary is filled with spookiness, trick or treaters and our own brand of irreverence. Now with added beaniness. It’s good, about as good as it gets.

One comment

  1. I’m a fellow blogger on NaBloPoMo and am trying to post a comment on someone else’s blog daily. Just to be different, I started at the end of the alphabet like I did last year. You are my “Y”!

    Just wanted to say that we share an anniversary, October 31. My DH and I celebrated 15 years together. We, too, have had our ups and downs, but life is good. Happy Halloweeniversary! Stop by The Testosterone Zone and say hi.

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