kaloo kalay

kaloo kalay

I have to enthuse for a bit.

It’s been an up and down feeling lately. All that build up and work then suddenly only the unpacking left. Don’t get me wrong, that’s actually fun and stuff, but we’ve been at a fever pitch of stress since about August 1st, if not since July when we accepted the offer on the Barrington house. So once mostly everything (and there is a lot left to do, but many things are put away)was organized, we have our licenses, bank accounts and insurance….well there was a bit of a crash.

But today I went back to the Unitarian Fellowship–same place I went as a kid.

And an old friend is the music director and already asked me to be a soloist 🙂 And I’m going to a meeting on Tuesday with another friend to provide counterpoint (in a group) to a Fundamentalist group that’s trying to ban books. And I ran into some folks from High school who had mellowed considerably. And some friends of my mom’s from long ago.

And the message today was about ‘transition’ and there were kids everywhere and a meditation in the middle of the service and it was just neato.

So that’s where I’ll be on Sundays at 11 and probably a couple of other nights during the month too. I’m joining their social justice group too in a few weeks after I take the instruction class (it has been over 20 years). It’s just great, it felt so wonderful.

And there’s a hurricane animal shelter set up out here I’ll be working at starting next week hopefully.

And my friend Laura informed me it’s the season for weekly pot lucks and we’re adding our house to the list–yep, kids, food, conversation –almost weekly!

Damn but it feels good to be home. It feels like home, I believe it does.

More to tell, but I’ve gotta put some more stuff away while the bean is sleeping.