Learning Karate

Learning Karate

Took Bean to her first karate lesson today. It was fierce and adorable. I told her she’d have to be serious and pay attention and she did great. She is not lacking in confidence–jut threw herself into it and tried everything full throttle. She wasn’t the lest bit shy and it was great to watch. She was sure that if she didn’t know how to do something she would at any minute.

I had to sit on myself to let her have her own process and experience, to not try and re focus her attention when her mind wandered. She needed to find her own way, and my tendency toward perfection and adult knowledge of behavior and interaction? Not needed. Her learning and having the experience was what was called for. Interesting this trying to figure out when to step in and when not to. What is a teaching situation and when it is time for her to learn from others. Truly she didn’t stop paying attention more than a couple of times, which was phenomenal. She was so happy and excited to be there. It was very high energy and they let her try everything even if it was her first time. She came home in a way better mood than she got there.

The only problem…the place smelled like feet. Urk. I think I’ll be putting a drop of my favorite bpal under my nose next time.

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