Long story and a short trip to hell there

Long story and a short trip to hell there

I’m about to have lots of surgery on my gums and the bones in my mouth.
And some other possible surgery or at least poking about in other places I’d rather not talk about. I’m going to be laid up for a couple of weeks quite possibly. It’s going to hurt a lot, yep that’s what they said. And I really REALLY don’t like pain pills, just don’t. But I have to do this before we can possibly try getting pregnant one last time. ONE last time.

ONE last time.

I’m hoping that once these surgery things are all over I can resume some sort of coherent life and writing again.

Oh yeah, and one way or another, either through school or the non traditional licensure program I’m going to become a teacher. I’ve wanted to since I was a kid and that’s where I want to be going now. That is my goal and I will make this happen.

Thanks for your emails, (one day I’ll get the comment thing working right). Honestly I think I just went off the rails with the last miscarriage and I’m just now getting back on, in time to have someone saw and hammer and grind away at my mouth, oh joy. It’s one of my giant phobias and I have no choice but to face it. Well I guess I do, but I’d like to keep my teeth IN my head, not next to the bed.

It isn’t really right having “post partum depression,” without at least getting a baby out of the deal.

Sigh. There have actually been things to write about but I just haven’t been able to get going. I hope that changes.

I’m taking my camera out to the Farmer’s market tomorrow and to a friend’s birthday party. She and her husband built their house from the ground up out in the country. It’s green living at its most beautiful and amazing. And their kids love to play with the Bean and we love their kids. Just the sweetest little boys ever.

We did get out for J’s birthday with some folks we like a lot. I’m afraid I chose a restaurant (from my childhood that I remembered as being a big deal) that wasn’t the best, but the company made the evening. But the rolls, OMGPONIES! the rolls are still the best in NWArkansas, and the folks that work there are just really nice. (Venesian Inn)

Other things going on in other places that have been eating up time and energy. Hopefully those will calm down for awhile too.

But tonight I’m eating pizza and Sunday Bar b que –kind of like a last meal before the guillotine takes my head or mouth or er something.

And on another note, if you need to laugh a lot, go read this: That’ll give you bees!