Day 17
 Project Reverb: Work: What sort of work did you do in 2014? Was it new to you? Did you take on new responsibilities? Change jobs? Or take on a new task at home?
I just started a new job as a web dev at the end of 2013. So it was all new work for me in 2014. It was
something I’d always wanted to do because I could start working on a website and look up and it would be 5 hours later. It is interesting, there is always something new to learn and I really enjoy it. In 2014 I did it both as a volunteer and as paid work. From this point on, I’ll likely only take it onas paid work since I’ve paid enough dues now. I learned an outdated CMS, a current one and next year I’ll learn one or two new ones in prep for moving across the country and getting a job in hopefully the same type of work.
As much as I am proud of and love my Masters in (medieaval) English Lit, I wish I’d gotten my degrees in Computer Science. It’s probably too late now, but I’m going to keep learning. I’m going to take classes online, teach myself from books and quite possibly take a class or two when we move.
^^^This image isn’t actually a circle. I’ve learned a lot of cool tricks this year.Reverb 14: How can you stop being an a**hole, get out of your own way and make room for more of your magic to happen in 2015?
I noticed just the other day when someone asks me how I am the responses have not been generally

positive. We/I have dealt with a lot of challenges and negative things this year–but I’m a dweller. A ruminator and I’m feeling done with that as much as I can be. As much as I can go against my nature I’m going to. I learned after this big birthday this year…or I realized really and finally understood–we get ONE shot at all of this and you have to focus on what /who is important. That is my little family, my group of loving friends and making every day an adventure…
Like I’ve been trying to teach our daughter….you can look at situations from a positive or negative standpoint. As a crisis or an opportunity. As a door slamming or a window opening. I need to take my own damn advice.
So ask me how my day is…I’m going to say…’pretty interesting’ I think. And smile.