Mice N Men

Mice N Men

So the plan was to get a bunch of stuff done today and then in the early afternoon go to the NWA Fantasy Faire . We were going to bring in the Halloween decorations (or rather Mr. J was) take down some of the indoor Halloween decorations, clean up the last of the plates/glassware (took three loads through the dishwasher–nothing gross sitting around, just things that had to be hand washed)and catch up on the laundry. Oh and go grocery shopping.

Sure we were. Maybe I missed some well publicized shopping event but everyone on the planet was out in the Target/Walmart area today. It was insane. Made me want to run away quickly but after I fought through the parking lot (no really, I there was actual traffic and after living in SF and Chicago for almost two decades I know what traffic looks like) I figured I might as well perservere. It was not pretty.

By the time I got home, the flu thing was hitting me hard. I manage to do ok for a few hours and then it’s just a collapse. I felt like a noodle. And I was clammy again. So we stayed home.

Maybe we’ll try tomorrow. I had intended on staying in pajamas all tomorrow. I really need the rest but I’ve wanted to go to this teeny little fair for the last couple of years but it’s been on Halloween weekend and we could never swing it. So maybe we’ll just go early and then return to pajamaland 🙂

Since this is short on anything meaningful, I will share some websites I enjoy.

Making Fiends Em and I have loved this since EP 1 way back before Nickelodeon found it.

Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab Still the best perfume anywhere. I like it so much I wear almost nothing else.

And one more I’m excited about this week Abney Park . Actually I’ve loved them forever but they have a new CD out. They sound great, and are a really wonderful group of people. They are great to their fans.

Ok, now maybe I’ll finally get to see Avatar and get over this hideous headache.