

Edited–WHY did this post in January? Sheesh.

Today is world AIDs day. Get tested if you are at risk. Take care of yourselves–we’ve lost too many wonderful folk.

Planet 51 is a cute movie. J, Em and I went this weekend and it was so cool to just hang out with her without something hanging over my head.

Movie popcorn however, is quite evil. they now cook it in something that has more artificial flavor in it than it used to. Also–do not add the butter flavor, even a little. I was siiiiiiiiick. So no more movie popcorn for me.

Haru catten is getting more and more affectionate. Girlcats usually are more standoffish in my experience –they take awhile to warm up. So after about two years she is more snuggly.


kitties 1898


Finally got my check for ACC. And the door closes.

And tomorrow I sit down and start writing.

Finished Wicked Lovely, would love to read the sequal.

Reading Feed, feel like I read that as a short story, will see when I finish up.

Got Catching Fire, the sequel to The Hunger Games.

Will hit the library tomorrow for another couple of books and maybe a manual or two on some new software. Might as well learn a new program or two while I have the time.