Nablopomo fooey and post the third for today

Nablopomo fooey and post the third for today

So it’s silly but so far it looks like my site doesn’t show up often on the Nablopomo randomizer. I’ve had a few friends click it at various times and I just don’t show up.
Guess I should have named my blog AAAAAAAAA Over here read this. Well, the whole point was to read em and write mine. I’ve read a lot of other blogs this month and even tried commenting but there seem to be moderated comments (I have them too) or errors on the sites. I’ll give the commenting another try tonight.
I’m pretty pleased with myself. I will have accomplished nablopomo, barring extremely unforseen circumstances (worse than cooking Fangsgiving with a high fever or coughing laser beams of goo out of my eyes)this in just a few days.