As usual, I am at the halfway point and I’m running out of words. And as usual, thinking of dropping out of 30 posts in 30 days. And as usual I’m having issues with my site—Mainly an automatic wordpress upgrade went through, around the same time as an ‘upload later’ post and the post didn’t upload when or where it should.
It’s funny how some permutation of the above always happens.
The solution is to post earlier in the day, not queue it for posting later and delay upgrades until the month is over.
The solution also, is to not do 30 posts in 30 days, except for maybe in November. Last year I did that in November and December.
Oh, well if they do Reverb again, I’ll probably do that. It might be time to give up nablopmo though—I’ve never been able to connect on any of the groups. Or maybe I can collect a few folks around here and get a group going for nablopomo. That might be worth a try.
But then there is this:
In other news, I’ve put in for another related/similar job, but moving to the high school for half the time and moving around between all schools for the other half. There are several exciting things about the new job—the big one is that I’d be in on the ground floor of this super amazing reboot of the high school. Nearly total rebuild but with Small Learning Communities and more resources. Also older kids and harder problems to solve. I love solving harder problems.
Interviews for that should start soon. Keep your fingers crossed.