small things that likely make no difference

small things that likely make no difference

One of my favorite webcomics I guess you’d call it making fiends got a spot on nickelodeon! Em saw a bit of it, asked to see some more. I took her to the website and we watched a few. Rather immediately she said her favorite was Vendetta. Ah, apple and tree.

Found out entirely by accident they made a Hogfather movie!! I had no idea. It’s only one of my favorite Discworlds EVER~~ I mean, c’mon our big fluffy kitty’s name is Mr. Teatime! And the hourglass on the Hex~! We missed most of an hour of it, it’s four hours long . Susan Sto Helit is one of my favorite characters ever. Oh Pratchett makes me so happy.

We went to the library today and the bookstore. A double whammy of wordy goodness. The Bean picked up a couple more Tacky books and J got the first two of His Dark Materials, books we should have for when the Bean gets older too. I read them a few years ago and highly recommend them. It’s funny how worried people get about Harry Potter (at least in the Bible belt) when Pullman has a lot more frightening things to say about religion, at least, and authority I think as well, than Rowling does. There are so many books I can’t wait to read with the Bean, so many adventures to be had. It was so great today when she told the girl at the bookstore counter how she “can read now, all by herself and my mom is getting me a flashlight so I could read while I’m sleeping. My mommy wants to read while she’s sleeping too. My mommy wants to read all the time, just like me.” Yeah, that made us proud.

J is packing now to go. He has to get up at 3 in the morning because there is only one flight out of NWA . I think while he’s gone I have to have two of the Bean’s teeth pulled too, since she has two coming in behind already–about halfway up right now and only one of her front baby teeth are loose. This is going to be horrifying for me, with my giant dental fears, but I’ll have to keep that in check because this is about her and making her as fearless and comfortable as possible. I can always throw up later. I just wish J could be here with us.

I think nablopomo is harder this year toward the end than last year. I think perhaps that 2007 has been a harder year in general and maybe this is just the last gasp of difficulty. I hope so.

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