Erstwhile Dancefloor Revolution

I’m not sure if this is right

I’ll change, then change again. Before your very eyes…I am sometimes this way, another time that way…   I’ll figure it out eventually.. I just know I’m not in the darkest place that I was. I’m in a different place, not so dark, more chiaroscuro.. more confusing but not so …

Reading Poetry, because

Let the lover be disgraceful, crazy, absentminded. Someone sober will worry about things going badly. Let the lover be. ~Rumi It just seems to fit right now. It is a poetry time of year. XXXV PROUD of my broken heart since thou didst break it, Proud of the pain I …

Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so you apologize for truth. Benjamin Disraeli

Whether the person knows you exist or not, whether your apology is significant to them or not-when you have done something wrong or spoken out of turn. Whether you hurt their feelings or they didn’t even notice… You should make what was wrong, right. By words then deeds after.  Even …

I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion. ~Jack Kerouac

I’ve done it again. I’ve done it repeatedly . I don’t know what to write about because what I would like to write about I can’t. It isn’t a good idea to write about work. It just isn’t. However much I wish I could have written about all the interesting …

Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Things

I dreamed my husband J was the 10th Doctor     There was a big celebration with the last three doctors all on different parts of a giant space ship   Each had a guide that kept him (mostly) out of the paths of the others. My Doctor was on …

It is true life flashes before your eyes

just before you die. That is true. It’s called Life ~Terry Pratchett First of all I have to say how Terry Pratchett has shaped my adult life. I wish I could start every entry I ever write about so many things with what he’s done for me and for not …

Bean on the way to her first private voice lesson

Bean on the way to her first private voice lesson, a photo by jyllianm on Flickr. It’s probably past time for her to start private voice lessons, but we know she is mature enough to handle the practice now. We usually both try to take her and then have a …

Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them. ~Thoreau

― Henry David Thoreau, Civil Disobedience and Other Essays: Collected Essays of Henry David Thoreau   There comes a time when you really get it that there is more behind you than ahead of you. That whatever you see in the mirror –that probably isn’t what other people see. And …

This wretched brain gave way, and I became a wreck at random driven, without one glimpse of reason or heaven. Thomas More

Ah where do I start, first…how about Hello. Yes I fell off the planet again. I do that here’s why. I’ve forgotten how to say things without censoring every other word. I can’t talk about politics because I’ll offend a friend. I can’t vent about certain parts of my life …