Erstwhile Dancefloor Revolution

Come to the edge, he said. They said: We are afraid.

Come to the edge he said. They came. He pushed them and they flew. ~Guillaume Apollinaire   i will not live a life of what ifs. I will not wait any longer to begin, to begin again and begin again and again. I will be afraid, but I will come …

I’m so clever~~ Sunday Driver

Heroes inside our heads To stay alive we subdivide deeply down Big words what do they mean? The rule of love beneath, above in-between… I know what loving means So clever I’m so clever Don’t know what living means So clever I’m so clever I’m so clever Heroes they like …

Don’t look now, we’re everywhere

I started off this morning reading some urban fantasy on my kindle and then moved to  reading the debate going on between John Scalzi uber geek and  less uber geek Joe Peacock (who designs Fark, that I used to like– well the politics and Caturday threads, but don’t go anymore …

And now for something completely different

So I don’t do this ever…like EVER I don’t think. I mean I’ve written about some online shops I really like (for example  Bpal  even though I haven’t purchased from them in quite some time, having other things to spend my money on. And welli in  a short obsessed while …

Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live; it is asking others to live as one wishes to live. Oscar Wilde

And then there are days when  you take a look at yourself and get a big ole eyeful. I know I’m not the worst person in the world. I am also not the best. I try to be kind, but sometimes I’m kinder to strangers than I am to my …

All our final decisions are made in a state of mind that is not going to last.Marcel Proust

It has taken me forever to figure this out. Why WHY did I not know this before. Here is what I am learning: You can never know. You can never ever know 100% for sure that any decision you make is going to be the right one. It sounds simple …

Jump, and you will find out how to unfold your wings as you fall. Ray Bradbury

A light that burned strong and steadily for 91 years went out today. All over the internet there will be moments taken by Geeks everywhere. And they’ll stop, like me and write a moment, or just think to themselves about Mr. Ray Bradbury.  Thank you sir for giving me my …

What is there more kindly than the feeling between host and guest?~ Aeschylus

I think I am not a very good hostess. I used to be, when the stakes were lower. You know–when all you needed was a fully stocked bar and a few things for guests to nibble upon. The real party was always brought by the guests and all the hostess …

Selfishly unselfish

So how do you teach your child to be unselfish? And how unselfish should s/he be? Honestly this isn’t an unselfish society. We are all looking for more status, more money more power—so how do you raise your kids to think of others. When really? That isn’t what life in …

Anyone who doesn’t take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either.~Albert Einstein

It’s been awhile. I go from talking every day to saying nearly nothing. Its been a rough few weeks for me. I’ve been ill, which hasn’t helped my general outlook. I’ve also been having a really difficult time determining where the truth is about some really important things. It’s very …

Adversity is the first path to truth. ~Lord Byron

I keep coming up against this question. When is enough, enough? When is it time to give up the ghost, throw in the towel, call the game on account of rain? I’m not going to be nearly as poetic here as I was when I faced this question just a …

Alphabetical Observation

I’ve done a few blogging challenges with varying degrees of success. I have always succeeded at November nablopomo, though not at any other month. I also succeeded at reverb10. I did not however, succeed at whatever reverb 11 was (it was too fractured for me, no one place to connect …

Zoetrope and finally Z

Zoetrope is one of those very cool things from times past.  It was initially called a Daedelum (or wheel of the Devil) and was invented by William Horner in 1834. It uses motion to trick your eyes. Zoetrope (or wheel of life) is the precursor to our modern motion pictures …

Yonderly Yearning

Yonderly –Doesn’t that mean over that way–way over that way? I’ve read it means mental and/or emotional distance, which sort of makes sense. But I can only find that one place, so I’m not sure that is actually a word or the definition of it. I did find this website: …

X chromosome

the sex chromosome that is present in both sexes: singly in males and doubly in females; "human females normally have two X chromosomes" I think the biological definition of gender is obsolete. I think gender is more fluid than that. I think, I believe in my heart, that if there …

Who is Wambly

Honestly my first inclination is to say W is for Who, as in Doctor. As in wobbly wobbly timey wimey stuff. As in my other major obsession next to Star Trek and music.  My favorite Doctor is still the 10th. I started with the 4th and 5th. Liked the 8th. …