Erstwhile Dancefloor Revolution

says it better than I could   I don’t like being told how I am supposed to use technology, I like to decide for myself. Same thing happened when I was a kid—I didn’t want to build a house, I wanted to build the Enterprise. SO? I’d rather use a handle than my real name …

"The time has come," the Walrus said, "To talk of many things: Of shoes–and ships–and sealing-wax– Of cabbages–and kings—~ Lewis Carroll

I can’t believe I’m putting this picture on the intarwebz considering how much of a freak out thing I have about seeing unsolicited feet, but… I bought some  bespoke shoes after years of looking at shoes/boots like these at various faires as a playtron and participant and after purchasing some …

Forward this, otherwise tomorrow morning your underwear will turn carnivorous~Billy Connolly

I hate chain letters. I hated them when they came through snail mail, back when I was a kid and I hated them when I’d get them on compuserve. I hated them back in the concentric days and I hate them now. Cannot believe people forward things that say “you’ll …

For a dime you can see Kankakee or Paris ~Lydia The Tattooed Lady

“When talking about tattoo culture in the United States, it has personally become difficult for me not to think about gender and its role in the culture. Why is it so astounding for society to witness a tattooed woman in this supposedly modern day and age? Then there are other …

I’d choose the thing that’s beautiful more than the one that’s true. ~Laurie Anderson

What is it that makes us grow up. What if we never do. What if we like the same things we liked and what if we don’t? What if we wish we could do it all over and what if we don’t? Why would we spend the late late night …

Running out of words

As usual, I am at the halfway point and I’m running out of words. And as usual, thinking of dropping out of 30 posts in 30 days. And as usual I’m having issues with my site—Mainly an automatic wordpress upgrade went through, around the same time as an ‘upload later’ …

Bean’s day of extra Beany goodness.

So we signed Bean up for a camp but she was having trouble connecting with one of the counselors and got into some mean girls situations. We had a long talk, J the Bean and I and we discussed both perserverence and cutting your losses.  After all—the camp thing was …

It’s easy to cry "bug" when the truth is that you’ve got a complex system and sometimes it takes a while to get all the components to co-exist peacefully. ~Doug Vargas

Well I have to weigh in.  I have great hopes for google +. The interface is cleaner, the privacy controls are MUCH better and while there are things to work out (that’s why it is a Beta folks!) it is relatively fully formed from the get go.  I understand why …

I cannot take any more; I’m so glad that I’ll never fit in; That will never be me; Outcasts and girls with ambition; That’s what I wanna see — Pink from the song Stupid Girls

So some of the crazy girl shit has started. One girl lies about something my daughter said (but she didn’t) to another girl and then they tell another and suddenly she’s ganged up on. Or instead of saying oops a girl blames the Bean for her mistake. And how about …


Quietly getting to the end of my rope with a few things. Need to get another tattoo or three. I’m thinking of a sleeve on the arm with all the scars. Needs lots of cats, books…what else?

It’s not late, but I’m tired

and I have another migraine. I’m just here to say, I posted. And I’m always happy to write about my kidlet. Here is a recent pic from Bean’s GT class. When other kids got shy, she volunteered to speak first. She tells me she doesn’t even get nervous before she …

Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to~John Ed Pearce

Well then, I almost forgot to write this. I guess I should do it before think about it too much to make any sense. I was thinking and talking tonight to my friend L about how friendships change. And this is probably a deeper subject than I’m capable of dealing …

Only you beneath the moon or under the sun~Cole Porter

I’m not sure I can post anything even vaguely coherent tonight because…because…   Max Raabe und das Palast Orchester spielen in Austin Texas im Februar !!! And dammit we are going. We ARE going!!James is going to buy a suit  or maybe he should rent a tux?! and I’m going …

A man loves the meat in his youth that he cannot endure in his age. Shakespeare

I clean and organized lots in the kitchen today. I did massive amounts of paperwork. Also I made the MOST AMAZING coconut milk, chocolate, cinnamon ice cream, Used a little bit of honey, quite a bit of erythritol and some Watson’s double vanilla. Voila—tastes much like Mitchell’s Mexican Chocolate ice …