Erstwhile Dancefloor Revolution

Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose. Tennessee Williams

Before I get to Reverb10, I need to mention the two most important things that happened in the last two days. One—The Bean had a solo with her choir. She wasn’t nervous at all, she was happy and excited. She remembered all her words (in Hebrew no less) and hit …

Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone. ~Picasso

GRETCHEN RUBIN         MAKE gretchenrubin The Happiness Project What was the last thing you made? What materials did you use? Is there something you want to make, but you need to clear some time for it? I made Thanksgiving dinner—with my husband. he was my legs this year. I made the …

Death’s in the goodbye….Anne Sexton

December 5 – Let Go. What (or whom) did you let go of this year? Why? (Author: Alice Bradley) I don’t want to write about this. Why? What have I let go? We gave away all of the things that we had saved for a second child. All the little …

From wonder into wonder existence opens. Lao Tzu

The reverb10 prompt asks what “you have done to cultivate wonder this year.”  I am going to give this a shot, but am feeling distinctly unwonderful. I also am confused by exactly how I’m supposed to get to interact with the other folks doing Reverb10, which is what drew me …

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. Marcus Aurelius

Well, I blame Tui of Mental Mosaic – I’d not heard about Reverb10. And though some of the writing on their ‘come  join us” pages is a little twee for me,  I like  the idea. I usually get all reflective around my birthday and I did that of course this …

Fayetteville Family Holiday Help

What I worked on today and tonight.   I started thinking, after I was searching for and purchasing some presents for the Bean, how sad I would feel if I couldn’t get her the things she wants. And honestly other than the rarer than diamonds Monster High Dolls, the …

And there you have it.

  Yes, I think this is year five for me. I had to hide some posts from previous years for various reasons. Ah mysterious Jyllian, perhaps just a bit. Totally unrelated to anything: James just said how he didn’t want a ham for Xmess dinner. Because the leftovers oppress him …

How about some Halloween

Well, I don’t think I ever posted any of this years pics. I’m out of words today. I got barked at at work (people really get peevish about computers –seriously peevish) and even though the situation was a case of more work than I have time for, and that I’m …

When red-haired people are above a certain social grade their hair is auburn. ~Mark Twain

“She hath more hair than wit, and more faults than hairs…”~Willy the Shake I’m starting to wonder if my hair has become too much to keep up. Yes, in the scheme of things hair is negligible, but personally, I think it has a lot to do with how we see …

Meow Meow Meow

Me, but mostly kitties. Mr. Teatime (Maine Coon rescue) We adopted him when we thought it would be awhile before we managed to get pregnant. We brought him home and I got knocked up. Bartleby (Siamese) is my boyo, my devoted shadow and sweet guy.  We sometimes call them Skipper …

Just Write!

Ok, here goes. The other day, A post I read at Mental Mosaic , written by the effervescent Tui Cameron, got me thinking. And this is a BIG circle so bear with me. I noticed that all my writing projects—in school, jobs or personally have 3 distinct points on the …

Testing Windows live writer

As much as I don’t want to get any more involved in microsoftlandia than I already am (yes yes I know, I’m an MCSE, but I see all the shortcomings… well Blogdesk doesn’t deal with tags so well and I’m trying to see if this will. J and I are …

It’s a Mad World

Do you have a song that just cuts you to the quick? I have a few. For various reasons. I’ll give you, oh three here. The first one is the Donni Darko version of Mad World (originally written by Tears for Fears). When I hear this I am automatically transported …

Do Overs

Have you ever wanted a Do Over? Some time in your life– either a pivotal moment or a series of events that might have been turned around that you’d just like to roll back. I have some of those. But I wonder, how far can you go with that and …