Erstwhile Dancefloor Revolution

Tasty Bits of Cheese

This is really pretty and hypnotic Wheel of Stars   This is also entrancing. The palindrome setting sound like Dr. Who. I could probably sleep peacefully listening to this.   This video makes me happy every time I watch it: Kitty is a very bad mystic One of my favorite …

This used to be a mommy blog

And it still is because while I am many things–geek, reader, cat lover, wife–on the day the Bean was born, Mother became my chief identifier. I have always been independant. I’ve often gone my own way, usually uniquely attired. I didn’t just march to a different drummer, but a different …

Babbage the Basement Cat

Babbage Basement Cat Originally uploaded by jyllianm Just sharing this picture of Babbage our youngest. He is a fierce hunter. Every so often a field mouse gets in and either Babbage or Haru become mighty hunters and slay them mightily. This was the latest victim. I am considering giving up …

Woe is me.

We had to put a chair in the downstairs bathtub (I can’t make it upstairs) so that I could take a bath/shower. I had to. I usually bathe daily (who doesn’t?) and I’ve had to skip Thursday and Friday. I’d taken a shower Thursday morning, but that didn’t count after …

My view on the couch

My view on the couch Originally uploaded by jyllianm I don’t have a lot to say today except OW. I have to keep the cats off my leg, which is easily twice the size of my other one. I’m clammy and everything hurts. Yuck. I don’t get around very well …