Erstwhile Dancefloor Revolution

Every November it is the same

I am still sick from the flu I caught three weeks ago. Still feel yucky. I hope I have the energy to go to the Fantasy Ren Faire with the Bean and James tomorrow. Right now, I’m barely able to keep going. I’m very very tired. So I looked over …

I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.~Ghandi

It had to happen. Some kid told our kid she was going to hell tonight. I’m so angry I”m shaking. First, the program gets changed into a pentacostal church revival meeting. Edited to add–It turns out that –the University Children’s Choir participated in someone else’s program. This guy turned the …

“The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything. Oscar Wilde

Well here is the obligatory soul searching blog post. I’m waiting to post this until after my birthday so I don’t bum anyone out. Thank you for all the good wishes. They actually do mean a lot. You learn to count your worth in FB or LJ comments (JOKE) and …

“How now, wit! Whither wander you?” ~Willy the Shake

And lo I have been gone these many days. It isn’t like I haven’t been up to lots. I’ve actually had more to do than I know how to deal with.  Good work, difficult work. A wonderful vacation. some loss Well. I’m back. And there will be more soon