Erstwhile Dancefloor Revolution

If the stress exceeds a critical value,the material will undergo plastic, or irreversible, deformation. This critical stress can be tensile or compressive.

With three weeks to go, I’m not going to make it. Not nablopomo, my graduate degree. (redacted) I study hours every night, write lesson plans, work on papers for more than 16 hours each weekend. What this tells me is that (redacted) Well then. I don’t know if I have …

where did it go?

I had a huge long post and it is gone! Where is it?! It uploaded. I’ll see where it went. Thank god I looked in the saved folder and checked the date on blogdesk. For some reason it was set for May 2009, weird. I have no idea. Anyway, posts …

Success in the affairs of life often serves to hide one’s abilities, whereas adversity frequently gives one an opportunity to discover them.~Horace

It was an interesting day. That seems like such a tepid way to say well, just about anything. We were able (we = two of my M.A.T. cohort and myself) to see /hear Chris Crutcher (noted author of many, several of them banned, books)to hear some presentations given by other …

I have no color prejudices nor caste prejudices nor creed prejudices. All I care to know is that a man is a human being, and that is enough for me; he can’t be any worse. ~Mark Twain

I’m here and very tired. The time change does that sort of thing to all of us. Had a surprise visit from a good friend visiting from Texas. It was good to see her. It is so funny how much we all care about each other and we are so …

I was relieved, now I’m sad. I was sure, now unsure. I was unsure, now sure. I have no idea really what is next, only that it isn’t what I thought it was. It feels like a bit of my heart just died.

Death is but crossing the world, as friends do the sea; they live in one another still. – William Penn

Dear R; I’m sorry I got so busy with school these last few weeks that I wasn’t a better friend. It was such a big change for us that I had trouble keeping track of everyone and what they needed and what I wanted to give them. I hope the …

Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are. ~Bertold Brecht

I’m going to start with the happy first. I don’t want to start with the sad or I’ll write two lines and stop. It’s been too long since I’ve been here! I’ve been writing in my private journal and writing papers. Lots of papers. I haven’t written papers, well since …