Erstwhile Dancefloor Revolution

“When you betray somebody else, you also betray yourself.” — Isaac Bashevis Singer

How long does it take to recover from a betrayal? I’ve had a few in my life. Some of them very early. One in my late 20s and several in the last 5 or 6 years. Other than the childhood ones, the last several have been among the worst. People …

Almost done

I’ve got a new visitor tracker installed (it’s invisible currently) because Feedjit is opt out and I have some stalkers 🙂 I’d like them to know I know they are visiting. Other project going along nicely. Jury Duty tomorrow. I’m kind of looking forward to it. I’ve only been called …

There was never a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him to sleep

~Ralph Waldo Emerson Lord what a day. The Family care committee put the food boxen together today. 11 families 2 big boxen of cans and dry foods and one giant bag of frozen foods of various types each. And each family got gifts for all their kids. It was cool. …

Speak your mind

I am realizing slowly that it is very important to speak my mind. I’ve been way to nice for too long and that allows people to get away with too much, much too much. So my goal for the coming year–telling it like it is, standing up for myself in …

“Adversity is the first path to truth.”

~Byron I think I’m about to hit the library again and pick up some Romantics. It’s time to revisit them and other Victorian writing. I disliked many of the Victorians in graduate school, which was rather heretical. I spent my time either with Chaucer or Shakespeare or in later ages …

Going Forward, Looking Back, all and only tangents

OK then, my friend A isn’t here yet and the Bean is playing Jumpstart 1st grade (smarTYpants) on her computer. So I’m going to blither a bit. Yes, her computer. It used to be mine, but I started working on videos with effects and music and such so I needed …


I may post actual content later, depends on if my friend A comes over. I wanted to get this up though to qualify and say…I MADE IT. I know they have a seal of completion but I love de kittyhead. Technorati : nablopomo