Erstwhile Dancefloor Revolution

Stick a fork in me

Did this time change mess everyone up more this time? It did us. I suppose the er, four illnesses didn’t help matters. But seriously, all we’ve wanted to do the last two weeks has been sleep, like immediately after dinner. It’s dark so suddenly at five now that it seems …

And another thing

Oh this has been another difficult day. There have been a number of them. They aren’t difficult in the great scheme of things or even in comparison to some of the stuff that’s happened this last year, but uncomfortable, like having a small case of poison ivy when you aren’t …

The day almost nothing happened.

So I guess it’s time to start typing and see what springs into my brain. If anything. I’ve had a sick beanlet–green green stinky diarrhea. I think it’s from the dye (or food coloring or?) used in a lollipop she had in Eureka (a frosting black cat on the front) …

The Soundtrack of Childhood

Not much of a thought tonight because the Bean has come down with a very sad stomach ache. The kind which makes what comes out of her very surprising and upsetting. The kind that requires two baths. I’ve been singing songs and rocking her then laying down with her and …


That’s what James calls mittelschmerz. Of which I have a bad case today. And it’s a mixed blessing, this pain in my right side. At least I know something is going on. That is a good sign. But it also scares me and forces our hand. We do want another …

Christ of the Ozarks

Argh. I’ve spent the last um, two hours trying to find out how to embed a flickr slide show in this wordpress blog. No dice. So, I’ll post a picture here and and you can go look at the others here: Eureka Springs Trip It wasn’t an easy trip, since …

Henry James: Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. The third is to be kind.

So, the Bean has recovered from her weird fever, which according to her teacher has been going around. Nothing else–no sniffles, no coughing just intermittent bouts of high fever forcing you to throw (gently place) your child into a lukewarm bathtub whilst hiding your hyperventilation. I have to consciously do …

30 days

Well shoot, the ning nablopomo doesn’t work on this wordpress blog. So imagine the little badge here that says..ok I’m doing Nablopomo, cause I am. So today begins Nablopomo and I’m not ready for it. I/we haven’t slowed down for over a week. We had our giant Halloween party on …