Erstwhile Dancefloor Revolution

Friedrich Nietzsche: Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man. Today was difficult. The followup at Parkhill to give voice to our bad treatment. That doctor was cruel and when it was outlined on paper, it was appalling. Maybe this will keep something similar from …

Too Familiar these stages of grief

In an effort to get caught up on all the things sweet J couldn’t do while I was,well immobile? Catatonic? I went to the post office and did some grocery/sundry shopping. Post office. Pregnant woman Grocery? Pregnant woman screaming at her kids. Slapping them. Other place? Even more pregnant women, …


The stomach flu I had concerned the OB. So I’ll be getting an early ultrasound next Monday at a bit over 8 weeks. Throw some positive energy our way. I’d feel better I guess, strangely if I felt worse. I have been nauseous all along and had all the other …

Nablopomo fooey and post the third for today

So it’s silly but so far it looks like my site doesn’t show up often on the Nablopomo randomizer. I’ve had a few friends click it at various times and I just don’t show up. Guess I should have named my blog AAAAAAAAA Over here read this. Well, the whole …