Erstwhile Dancefloor Revolution


The things that were said, in jest or not hurt. In my nearly immaculate house (still recovering from Fangsiving) I am eating turkey like a freaking caveman. Tearing it off the bone (oh she who eats only white meat ). And I even gave a call to an girlfriend I …

The best laid plans

I cannot be getting sick. Not with all there is to do. It’s obscene. It feels like the flu. And 15 people coming over day after tomorrow AND I haven’t gone shopping yet. It’s horrible. I was out today getting things for Fangsgiving, and started feeling horrid. And about 8 …


I had a nice long post and due to some freaking display issue with my laptop it kacked. I do not have it in me to rewrite it. I’ll try that tomorrow. For today I’ll leave a few droppings: 1. We did a fine job making huge piles of leaves …

kibbles and bits

I am completely random today, why? Well I think we can be fairly sure we didn’t make a baby this month. I am reserving full judgement (and that beer that’s eyeing me over there) until tomorrow, but I’m 90% right. *sigh* We do want another child. Yes, we are 95% …

The video that started it all

For me anyway. I remember staying up late and watching this. I was amazed–I’d never heard anything like this. In my small town you got southern fried rock, country, some horrid metal thing, folk or classical. I’m sure there were other things going on, but that’s all I heard in …

Utterly silly minor obsession

There is another (new)fashion rehash. The slouch boot. I was in high school when this became a new wave fashion deal in the 80s. I didn’t make too much money either working at Bob’s big boy as a hostess (I was a horrible waitress) or Red Lobster (same deal, and …