Erstwhile Dancefloor Revolution

The ides of November

I’d like to say I hate November. But I don’t. November is a beautiful time. Right after Halloween, oh the best day of the year. It’s fall. Too many leaves but tending towards crisp (when it isn’t in the 80s thanks to global warming, hey did you think I’d entirely …

oh dear

I just realized I do politics like other people do sports. I’ve been watching different versions of the same press conferences and speeches. Flipping channels like a crazed hog fan. I’m all over the web reading various interpretations and predictions and staying up too late increasing the information overload. I …

It only gets scary when you get old

Just can’t turn on the election news. I’ve always been interested in politics and knew they were significant, but I haven’t been scared before. I was angry with Reagan and bothered with Bush senior. Now I’m angry and scared. When does it get scary? I guess when you figure out …

On raising a wee feminist or how I learned to live with the Princess Posse (at least two or three of them)

No matter what you do you will never escape them. Even if you raise your child completely without television (and I know some folks like that, but lets just say I disagree–all things in moderation and unless like the idea of your child being a social outcast, it probably better …

At different times a hollow space: A vague story told in Soundtracks

A recent experience has caused me to contemplate the hollow space that must be within everyone but the most simple of us. Smaller at some times than others. More obvious at times and at times more painful. In your teens, the hollow space is that of identity. If you are …