Erstwhile Dancefloor Revolution


Under the heading it is all worth it, file this: Emily just collected all the letters from her fridge phonics set and put them in the correct order, spelling her name. She can also tell you her address, full name and what city and state she lives in. The spelling …

Two Missions crash

just a weird side note. After 14 years of living in San Francisco, it still feels weird when I tell folks here “we’re the first left after the Graveyard off Mission.” The two Missions crash into each other in my head. Took Bean for her first real Graveyard ramble last …

Funny Connections

Warning: runon sentence because it helps to get across how I feel right now: So we’re at the new members of the Unitarian pot luck party tonite. We’re having this wonderful conversation about business/economic ethics vs personal ethics and enron/tyco that sort of thing, also second careers and being parents …

SF folks!

You have to GO!! Jill Tracy and The Malcontent Orchestra with Voltaire DJ Miz Margo Sunday, October 23rd, 2005 DNA Lounge, 375 11th Street, San Francisco advance tickets encouraged and get me a tshirt. Voltaire wrote “our song” (anniversary and dedicated it to us at the Seattle convergence). He’s was …

Just Read

recently… Poppy Brite’s The Devil You Know I liked it, particularly the restaurant writing. Five Quarters of the Orange –Joanne Harris–brilliant. I actually cried at the end “You can come home, you just have to stop moving away.” Oh yeah. Um plus about three completely stupid SF/Fantasy novels because I …


We’re here, we’re halfway unpacked. Maybe later when I’ve had a chance to take a deep breath. Already took some clothes to the Red Cross and some $. Went by the Unitarian Fellowship today and got info for this Sunday. James is out with the Bean picking up some snacks. …