Tag: <span>#AtoZChallenge</span>

B is for Bibliophagist

Bibliophagist: One who devours books, literally or figuratively. http://www.forvo.com/word/bibliophagist/ <–How to pronounce. I read. A lot and very fast. I started reading at about 4 and I never stopped. I read so fast I have to make myself slow down sometimes to savor a very good read. Like  The Wool …

A is for Ailurophile : The Story of Buzzy the Persian Buffalo

Hello I’m Jyllian and I’m a cataholic–or more properly an Ailurophile. I’ve loved cats for as long as I can remember. I like dogs too, they are nice but cats have always been my favorite animal. They are independent and very much themselves–which makes it meaningful (at least to me) …

What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything? Vincent van Gogh

  A to Z Blogging Challenge Well here we go again. I am going to give another blogging challenge a try. Why? I failed the last one quite miserably. And the reverb/resound whatever the heck that was didn’t work very well either. I have always made it through Nablopomo though. …