Tag: <span>blogging</span>

Good habits formed at youth make all the difference. Aristotle

  Well here’s the thing, not only trying to climb back on the blogging horse, but on the good eating and exercise horse. A little background: I popped my (previously dislocated and nearly a year of recuperation involving boots and crutches and canes)ankle out in December and had to stop …

Psychopomps , your tour guide to the land of the dead.

Psychopomp is one of my favorite P words.  A psychopomp is a guide for souls, a sort of escort for the newly deceased. If you saw The Crow (and as a former card carrying goth, of course I did, several times) then you know both the Brandon Lee character and …

Neologism is the N of today

As someone who is fascinated with words and our ever changing language I not only adore the old (I’d rather use grucche for complain at certain times* it just seems better), but appreciate how the new sometimes gets its foot in the door. And after the foot, can force the …

A New Phobia for You: Kainotophobia is K

Kainotophobia~Fear of Change Kainolophobia~Fear of Novelty Kainophobia~ Fear of Anything New   Fear of Change. We like our habits. We like predictability. We like things the way they were, not the way they are now or how they could be. I get it. Change is hard. Personally, as someone who …

B is for Bibliophagist

Bibliophagist: One who devours books, literally or figuratively. http://www.forvo.com/word/bibliophagist/ <–How to pronounce. I read. A lot and very fast. I started reading at about 4 and I never stopped. I read so fast I have to make myself slow down sometimes to savor a very good read. Like  The Wool …

A is for Ailurophile : The Story of Buzzy the Persian Buffalo

Hello I’m Jyllian and I’m a cataholic–or more properly an Ailurophile. I’ve loved cats for as long as I can remember. I like dogs too, they are nice but cats have always been my favorite animal. They are independent and very much themselves–which makes it meaningful (at least to me) …