Tag: <span>moving</span>

Another last minute

“There is always time for another last minute” ― Terry Pratchett, Hogfather It wasn’t the best news, but we aren’t giving up. And it never gets easier. Mr. Teatime was named for a character in the Pratchett book Hogfather. Mr. Teatime, when he was a kitten was a tiny little …

Not this or that, somewhere in between

Every time I think I’m going to give up with this long long long standing blog, I come back. This is a long one, hold on. Will it click this time, again? I don’t know. The last year and a half has been, well, large.  Purging a lot. A LOT. …

One foot

One thing this big move is teaching me…You have to do what is in front on you, the next thing. Some situations are so large that worrying actually makes no sense. Of course I’m concerned how Em will weather the move. Of course I’m concerned about will we find a …

Almost but Never Babies

I have had a hard time letting go of some of my daughter’s things from her baby and toddlerhood. I’ve kept so much –filed away school papers, accident reports from Montessori and Community PreSchool, little scribbles that look kind of like happy dust mites. It’s been so very hard to look …

There’s got to be a pony in here somewhere!

From the old joke about two kids, one with a room full of the most amazing new toys and another with a room full of manure. The first kid is crying bitterly surrounded by a pile of  new gadgets and games…. Why are you crying?” the father asked. “Because my …

Today’s post brought to you by the letters E, M and O

Oh the mope. I am freaked about moving. So much to do and the house is so messy. And the mounds of things to do look insurmountable. I know the solution is just to keep moving forward a bit at a time. It’s been slowed by that flu turning into …