Tag: <span>nablopomo</span>

Do Overs

Have you ever wanted a Do Over? Some time in your life– either a pivotal moment or a series of events that might have been turned around that you’d just like to roll back. I have some of those. But I wonder, how far can you go with that and …

Untold Suffering seldom is…somebody said that

I’m very tired and my leg hurts a lot. I’m getting tired of the subject though. Small things. The Bean and I both really like Monster High Dolls. I was inordinately happy to tell her about Cat Town. She reads an episode or two a night. The theme song from …

This used to be a mommy blog

And it still is because while I am many things–geek, reader, cat lover, wife–on the day the Bean was born, Mother became my chief identifier. I have always been independant. I’ve often gone my own way, usually uniquely attired. I didn’t just march to a different drummer, but a different …

we can rebuild her, we have the technology!

I’m going to try and rebuild my laptop. It’s barely creeping by. I noticed on ebay, as I was looking for more memory, that the Dell xps m140s are being resold for between $50 and $200. I have to keep it going for another six months though. Have to get …

Dislocated ankle or what I did today

Dislocated ankle or what I did today Originally uploaded by jyllianm So after the pain killers kicked in I thought, well at least I’ll have something to write about tonight since it’s been kinda boring. Well I was headed to work today and…well in the last two or so days, …

Spooky night walk

Spooky night walk Originally uploaded by jyllianm So I’m trying to start walking again because I’ve gotten, as my daughter says, fluffy. I was doing really well for awhile, then school, then new job then…FLUFFY. Bleargh. I am going to try walking every day except Thursday and see if things …

Every November it is the same

I am still sick from the flu I caught three weeks ago. Still feel yucky. I hope I have the energy to go to the Fantasy Ren Faire with the Bean and James tomorrow. Right now, I’m barely able to keep going. I’m very very tired. So I looked over …