Tag: <span>nablopomo</span>

Going Forward, Looking Back, all and only tangents

OK then, my friend A isn’t here yet and the Bean is playing Jumpstart 1st grade (smarTYpants) on her computer. So I’m going to blither a bit. Yes, her computer. It used to be mine, but I started working on videos with effects and music and such so I needed …

small things that likely make no difference

One of my favorite webcomics I guess you’d call it making fiends got a spot on nickelodeon! Em saw a bit of it, asked to see some more. I took her to the website and we watched a few. Rather immediately she said her favorite was Vendetta. Ah, apple and …

Pies and Possession

3 pies today and a demon possession. First the pie recipe. It’s good.. Maple Syrup Pecan Pie Ingredients: 1 crust (single) 3 eggs .5 cup light brown sugar, packed 1 cup maple syrup, pure 4 tablespoons butter, unsalted, melted 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 cups pecans, coarsely …

A little of this and more of that

It looks as if the supplements are working. So far. Does that mean we’re now ready to begin trying again? November is not a good month for that, just like June/July isn’t a good time. Too many memories. I wonder if those months will ever pass without me thinking about …

Food Glorious Food

In which our intrepid reporter discusses, Fangsgiving, the hotness of Tony Bourdain and whether or not RRay is the Antichrist: Fangsgiving sickness 2007 progresses. I’ve got a slight fever, stuffed up nose and a sore throat. I’m tired, tired, tired. I’ve take so much zinc I might have galvanized my …