Tag: <span>resound11</span>

Happiness is a choice that requires effort at times~ Aeschylus

it isn’t that there haven’t been a lot of great prompts, there have been. It isn’t that I haven’t wanted to write on some of them, I have. It’s just that I’m right in the middle of something I can’t actually talk or write anything about until Monday. Because. Oh …

Nope, you can’t make me, no way, no how.

  I want a Reverb 11, Resound 11, Weverb11 etc etc  prompt aggregator.  I’d like to choose a prompt without having to locate several many websites. Luckily though Geekin Hard has collected many in one link page so that now there’s just no need to have a complete libra collapse. …

It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves. ~ William Shakespeare

I’ve had an intense week of interviews and I have choices to make. I kinda had a mini meltdown this weekend, where everything I’ve been considering, all the changes I’m looking at hit me. And I was stunned? angry? worried? excited? relieved? I don’t know all five? It takes quite …