Tag: <span>Twitter</span>

B is for Bibliophagist

Bibliophagist: One who devours books, literally or figuratively. http://www.forvo.com/word/bibliophagist/ <–How to pronounce. I read. A lot and very fast. I started reading at about 4 and I never stopped. I read so fast I have to make myself slow down sometimes to savor a very good read. Like  The Wool …

What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything? Vincent van Gogh

  A to Z Blogging Challenge Well here we go again. I am going to give another blogging challenge a try. Why? I failed the last one quite miserably. And the reverb/resound whatever the heck that was didn’t work very well either. I have always made it through Nablopomo though. …

The Year of the End of the World with Thanks

I’ve been gone awhile. The year ended roughly for me but more roughly for my family. My husband’s father died and his current wife neglected to tell him There is SO MUCH I’d like to say about that, that I”d like to DO about that. But we’ll just leave the …

why I love the internet

Sometimes you meet people online and you find out things about them from their blogs, or twitter or email lists. And you like them. Sometimes you might never meet those folks in the flesh—but you can know them for years. I have quite a few folks like that back from …

#wineparty is the big fun

I could not for the life of me really get twitter for quite some time. I’m longwinded. I’m verbose. I write and talk a lot. Twitter was too short and I didn’t have a lot of folks I knew on there who used it regularly. Then through someone on Reverb …