Taking the Plunge

Taking the Plunge

Well I’m going to give something a try.

Tomorrow I’m going to put together my first Halloween blog/movie  and see if I can get going on having at least two Halloween themed entries a week.

I’m also trying #Octpowrimo , which considering my poetry writing, once such a huge (in both writing and performing) part of my life has dwindled in recent years…scared the fur off of me. I don’t know if I’ll make one a day, but I’m going to try.

Here’s the one that came from my daughter’s adventures over the weekend.


Her Ten Year Old Moon

The Sun
and Moon,
These things shine
With or without us.
A child in in elbows up to mud
Skirt blotted, blond hair matted with
Something a boy thought she’d cry
But she smiles and Instead
stripping, stamping, streaming.
Shining without us.
A mother in motion
A father breathing not yet with his hand
lightly heavy on her head.
The sun goes down and turns to
The turning page
Writing tomorrow as the moon rises.
What will she?
Can we say not yet?
Not quite yet?





  1. Reminded me of my days… especially the lines

    “A child in in elbows up to mud
    Skirt blotted, blond hair matted with
    Something a boy thought she’d cry
    But she smiles and Instead
    stripping, stamping, streaming”

    …and making me crave for a daughter… 🙂

    1. Jyllian M

      Having a daughter is the best and hardest thing I’ve ever done. Being a girlmom is scary especially starting at this age, but also gorgeous.
      Thank you for coming by!

      1. Christine

        When I fantasized about having kids, I always wanted three boys! Girls seemed scary. I think I didn’t want to relive some stuff through a daughter. And now I’m too old to have ANY kids! Sometimes I have regrets there, although I know it’s pointless. Gotta live the lives we’ve made! And make peace with the ones we didn’t. Easier said than done.

  2. Hi Jyllian, So glad you are taking the #OctPoWriMo plunge with me. Yea! I’m also so happy to see so many people reading and commenting on your beautiful poem! Sigh…

    Also glad you have some Halloweeny stuff planned for your blog. I’m planning some Halloween posts, too.

    Ciao for now, bella! I look forward to seeing what you come up with next.


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