Two dangers constantly threaten the world: order and disorder. Paul Valery

Two dangers constantly threaten the world: order and disorder. Paul Valery


Everything in its Place

I want a clean and orderly place
to sit and think, or make a thing.

I want an unstained and fur free couch
to watch The Doctor or turn a page.

I want an unmuddled and chaos free desk
to sit and write  or play at being a movie maestro.

I want a sterile and bedlam free kitchen
to dance and cook, eat and drink.

I want structure, symmetry,harmony, and standards


more than that I want
Exploded Halloween decorations,
Reading three books with five cats
or watching anime with the girl all morning
I want four kinds of art projects
and family and friends helping me throw things in the pots
and fill wine glasses.

More than clean I want
a life.



