we can rebuild her, we have the technology!

we can rebuild her, we have the technology!

I’m going to try and rebuild my laptop. It’s barely creeping by. I noticed on ebay, as I was looking for more memory, that the Dell xps m140s are being resold for between $50 and $200. I have to keep it going for another six months though. Have to get J a new computer before we get a new laptop.

It’s an embarrassment of riches honestly. I have a great desktop machine, I just can’t get to it right now because of my leg. I also have a nice work machine, but I don’t do personal stuff on a work machine. I am looking forward to James having a fancy new gaming computer–we replace our machines about every 5-7 years so he’s really due.

My laptop is nearly 6 and it is finally showing it’s age. I hope with a complete rebuild it’ll be less sluggish and annoying. New machines have so much more speed–you really notice the difference when you wait as long as we do.

So, posting now, so I don’t miss the day if someting goes wrong on the rebuild, which it will, because something always does–which is why folks like me have a job!

So here goes!