

I had a nice long post and due to some freaking display issue with my laptop it kacked.

I do not have it in me to rewrite it.

I’ll try that tomorrow. For today I’ll leave a few droppings:

1. We did a fine job making huge piles of leaves and jumping in them. Also dancing to Irish music while cleaning the garage.
2. The Bean had dippin dots for the first time. They are quite strange. She would not share and covered them with her entire body each time James or I asked her to share, we’d never had them either. We each faked her out to get a taste. Me by putting her jacket on and telling her I had to hold her dippen dots and then popping the spoon in my mouth. J by putting her in the car seat and warning her she didn’t want to drop them and he popped the spoon in his mouth. She figured out what we were doing but couldn’t quite catch us. This won’t work much longer. Oh naughty parents. How many more years will we be stealing her Halloween candy? Not many, not many.
3. The Bean looked at Santa in the Mall and said very loundly “Santa is making my head explode!” God I love that child.
4. For one of the G days at school the Bean took a Gir figure and 2 germs. I think they are still shaking their heads.

More content tomorrow I think. There was more tonite but the gods of capricious machinery ate it.