Where did it go again?

Where did it go again?

Hmm, yeah the entire recovering from massive oral surgery was way harder than we thought it would be. Seriously–I figured on four days max, but it ended up being two weeks. Then I got bronchitus. Then I got a cold. So did everyone else. I still can’t eat anything crunchy, though I can chew if I’m willing to have a sore jaw afterwards. Slowly it improves. It’s been rather depressing though. The amount of pain was nothing short of incredible and feeling so weak was disheartening.

The great thing though was how kind our friends were. Just amazing, really amazing. I feel very lucky.

The Bean has finished preschool. We left her in to give her some structured fun for part of the summer and to make sure her little social self had enough interaction. The she asked to stay home for awhile and we figured some unstructured time would be good too. Also she might get just enough bored with being home that school is even more welcome. Though I shouldn’t worry 1) I keep finding fun stuff to do or we’re invited to fun things 2) she’s really excited about school. I’m worried that kindergarten will be too easy for her with the exception of writing. She hasn’t quite gotten the hang of the pencil grip but her reading and number work is great. And truly she knew all her letters at 18 months. Do kids really learn letters in kindergarten still?

We went to a very cool water park in Springdale last weekend with a good friend and her kidlet and nephew. There is so much more here than there was well, 20 years ago when I lived here. I think though that being away from the NorCal Ren Faire is going to be hard forever. That was the place I’ve felt most comfortable outside of well, an animal shelter or a library.

This month we would have had the baby. I was due August 25th. I can’t believe just how sad that is. We think we may try again after my last dental procedure at the end of August and after the Bean starts Kindergarten. Maybe. Sometimes I think it’s too late and we should just give up, but that makes my heart hurt, as does the thought of trying again. Somehow we’ll leave it up to the Fates, while still taking care –vitamins and all that.

And somehow I have to find out what’s next. School, another degree? Or somehow to still use all those years of computer knowledge? Or what? It’s daunting to try and find a niche that works around the Bean and school and here. In SF I could pretty much find a job in oh…a couple of days. If I wanted to work 70 hours a week. But now with a family there must be balance. First to get the Bean started in school though. No first to have some summer, some fun.