Why I prefer animals to People

Why I prefer animals to People

Petting the cats at the shelter makes me realize what a blight on this earth many humans are.

They had to put a sweet orange fellow down while I was there. He was sick and not getting better. But if someone would have adopted him he WOULD have gotten better.

We tried to bring home an older kitty boy a week ago, but Zak lost his mind. We might be able to take in a kitten, but not a cat sized cat. Our little big dictator won’t handle that. He got really aggressive and he’s already pissed he’s not the only cat in our house.
I’m afraid he’s just going to have to live with that.

Fucking people. Half the cats there were owner relinquish. Jesus, that would be like giving up my child. And I’m not really overstating that. Our cats are in sacred trust to us until it is time for them to go, just like the Bean.

God dammit. God dammit. God dammit.