Will you marry me?

Will you marry me?

Every year, at midnight of the 31st, J asks me to marry him again. And every year I say yes. This year he told me how lucky he was to have met me and I told him how wonderful he is. He’s proven that even more often in the last six weeks, which have been weird to say the least.

We went over to my Mother’s and help re arrange a couple of rooms to make it easier for my stepfather to get around. He can’t make it up steps anymore. Some of his kids and grandkids were there and we all worked together to move couches, china cabinets, tables and other large furniture. I took the opportunity to organize the kitchen a bit and hopefully put some papers in order. The Bean hung out with the kids who were very polite and sweet. All of us carried little pieces of their history back and forth, placing them in safety, carefully replacing them once the cabinets were moved. It was moving. I heard from Mom how great everyone thought he was and she seemed good with the changes, though they’ll take getting used to.

Later on we went to First Night with the Bean and saw some kid music, made a hat, watched folk dancers and the giant puppet parade. We didn’t stay out much past 8 this year, miss Bean was tired. She’s growing again. I think she’ll be 6 feet tall at this rate .

We got some custard on the way home and popped her in bed after. J and I watched Repo Man and snoozed but were both awake at midnight 🙂 It’s a big change from the legendary parties of 1998 in SF, but I can’t think of anywhere I’d rather be. We have a good little family and whether it grows or not the amount of love is considerable.

Today was quiet . While the rest of the world was hungover, J went to see Alien vs. Predator, I did some more organizing around the house and caught up on some chores. The Bean had her own work to do (we go through her toys every few months and cycle out for friends or for shelters, toys she doesn’t play with, that kid gets a load of toys from my mom and inherits even more from my sister’s daughter who is just a few years older–lots of good clothes that way too). She was also busy putting together a gallery of art for her Granpapa’s hospital room. He’s being moved to another section of the hospital, but he won’t be out for some time.

I have some resolutions–typical ones like getting more exercise (though I’ve lost a bit of weight recently it would still be best to strong, not just smaller)and trying more adventurous cooking. Some atypical ones like going forward with a big goal I’ve had (more on that when more has been accomplished, it will be great ) and putting up with less crap from people and one more try at the pregnancy rodeo. All in all a lot to look forward to and even though 2007 was full of some horrid (and some unexpectedly horrid) stuff we are lucky to have each other, an incredible support system , a beautiful place to live, a great school for the Bean, some wonderful kitties (though we miss our little old lady very much)that other than the er, random expensive vet visit (this time around it was Zak, J’s favored kitty) give us no trouble and lots of love. Well, without all that it would have been a much much harder year.

Here’s hoping 2008 is better for everyone.


  1. Hey… the first of your blog entries that I read and you mention music, making hats, and puppetry!

    I love making music. My sweetie makes hats. Our landlady and her partner are puppeteers.

    You do this on purpose? 😉

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