November 1st 2010

November 1st 2010

Well another November 1st rolls around. I actually got out of bed to put this up here. I usually do Nablopomo, but I’m not sure this year. Just like this year may have been the final Halloween Party year (forever, for awhile?) it may be the last year for Nablopomo–or maybe last year was.

Be kind of interesting to compare the two. So I’ll start it and see if I finish.

I did make it to work today, even after being up reviewing the days menu (the Gastro Geyser as it were) for hours. Sometimes I surprise myself with how willing I am to get to work even when I feel like utter yuck.

Well, people depend on me and I like being there most of the time.

I’ll post pictures from Halloween and our ten year anniversary tomorrow or soon. Yep ten years. I’m lucky and I hope he knows how loved he is.

I don’t have anything brilliant to say today. Just hoping this evil flu, now in it’s third week, will finish up soon.