Connected Heroes

Connected Heroes

Project Reverb prompt: “Who was your hero this year? Tell us why. What makes a hero in your eyes?”

It hasn’t been an uplifting year. The closest I can get is Rachel Maddow and Elizabeth Warren. They speak up for students, for the disappearing middle class, for the disenfranchised and the discriminated against. They are strong, articulate women.

Still I wish I had something stronger. This is admiration. A hero is something more. I hope next year offers more to all of us. More heroes, maybe being one.


Reverb14 prompt: “The hectic pace of our lives can make it difficult to remain connected to the things and the people that matter the most to us. We get wrapped up in our work or our busyness and connection falls by the wayside. How have you created and/or sustained connections in your life this year?”

I don’t feel like this has been a great year for staying connected. Mostly it was a year to circle back in


and make decisions. However there are some important things that happened. The previous year I had a dinner group/women’s group that got together every month or so. That fell by the wayside this year as everyone got busy. I need to do better before we move. These friends are too important.

I found Paul. I’d thought I’d seen him walking but was never sure. Anyone I asked said “no he moved away.” Then on a person from work’s FB page, there he was doing her hair. And lo the angels did sing and do the rhumba. I’d missed him forever. In high school …we walked places together, he came to my house, we were thespians and drama-ettes and we snuck into dirty movies in my stepfather’s van. That’s a great story actually….All underage and it was a DRIVE IN. And the movie was Dutch. And we went to the concession stand. Then when the movie got er…interesting we made lots of noises and rocked the van back and forth. Paul, E and I. He introduced me to the Blue Angel and didn’t laugh at my love of Al Jolsen. He scoured yard sales with me finding victrola records. Mostly? He was a spot of happiness for me in some very bad years. And now..well I get some wondrous hugs, have had some excellent champagne, my hair looks better than ever and I smile more than I did.

And I took a chance and sent a letter I’d tried to send before. Or I’d write it and think no….This time I was pretty sure I had the right address and I got V and J back in my life. Two very best friends from Candido’s claque of Doxies (medieval lit college professor, first to rock a bow tie and we worshipped him, hung on his every word). I don’t remember exactly how we all came to be, just that we always seemed *to* be. And  her heart is as kind as ever and hearing that certain way of speaking she has just makes my heart full.  And it was like no time had ever passed. We’ve just started chatting on the phone-she’s a determined Luddite and I welcome that. It’s a nice change. It isn’t as easy to share day to day life, but the wonderful feeling after a conversation? Well that is an aural tall glass of iced tea with lemon on a hot humid day.

Life is short, we get old fast. Don’t lose the folks who make your heart sing.