Haiku Halloween

Haiku Halloween


Halloween coming
The darkness falls now
Still not soon enough

I love Halloween
It is the only night ever
We are not that strange

The veil is drawn taut
I feel them near to me now
Lost family, friends

Well there’s some Halloween Haiku for you. I’ve got a movie going up on youtube first thing tomorrow if it ever
renders. Bad photographs and me trying to learn a new program. But that’s how it works right? It’s still fun.
After that we’ll take more photos of the finish(ed/ing) product during twilight when I can get better shots.

Still can’t find a suit for my Death the Kid costume. Argh. It was so easy years ago and also in SF. There was this great place I’d go by used clothes by the pound. Sigh. Yet another thing I miss. I’m feeling restless obviously.

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