If I had a photograph of you, It’s something to remind me. ~ Flock of Seagulls

If I had a photograph of you, It’s something to remind me. ~ Flock of Seagulls


Week of January 30th  -February 5th

We’ve had a lot of snow days this week. A dump of ice and 5 or more inches of snow. I’ve spend a lot of time with the Bean in bed playing on http://www.coolmath.com and curled up with my kindle and the kitties. Here you see, from left to right Mr. Teatime, Bartleby and Babbage the savage cabbage. If I stay still, I end up with a lapful, oh the sorrow.

Snow day couch warmness kitteh style



Week of January 23rd –January 29th 2011

So we started this new diet. Because we were getting fluffy (note to friends, yes I’ve said it here, you don’t need to tell me “yes you were putting on weight.” I KNOW that.  I’ve also not been able to exercise yet because we haven’t figured out how to heat the garage and I have utterly borked my ankle.

We take our guidance from http://www.marksdailyapple.com and our inspiration from Batty who also used to be fluffy. She is younger than we are so we have to fight the aging metabolism, but I think we can do it.

I actually miss cakes/cookies/chocolate pies etc in my mind, but don’t feel compelled to eat them. I only really want them when I haven’t been eating when I should be. I accidentally fast now and I have no more blood sugar crashes. YES, I have NO MORE blood sugar crashing and this is a problem I’ve had since childhood. And yes we are losing weight.

What you see below is our first MEATZA. It has ground beef as a crust. Next time I will pound it out thinner. And we will add peppers and tomatoes and more veggies to it.

We are starting slow. I did clean out the pantry of nearly everything bad for us. We haven’t cut out dairy, but we have cut out processed foods (we did a lot of that anyway with my allergy to MSG)but now—no white sugar, no pasta, no rice, no flour. NO CANDY…argh NO CAKE!  But also no hunger in between meals.


Now where can I sign up for the photo a week challenge?

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