like he said

like he said

: I’m SO incredibly sick it’s just sad. And what time is it right now? It’s that time, that plot it on a chart, take your temperature, you have less than 24 hours or maybe it’s tomorrow who knows for sure and I won’t feel any better tomorrow. Isn’t it romantic?

And that’s a badly written not very descriptive sentence.

Because each month that doesn’t work feel llike a loss. And each month feels like it might be the last one. That probably isn’t possible but I have this picture in my head of a carton of eggs with an expiration date that’s a few years ago.

I always was a late bloomer.

I’ve said it before, we’re lucky to have the Bean and she’s amazing. Being parents has made us better people and continues to. We enjoy being her parents and the love we have for her grows every day. I hope we have the chance….I just hope we have the chance.

Now, does anyone know what formulation of robutussin is good for cough, congestion and and

oh nevermind.