So much of life, it seems to me, is determined by pure randomness.~Sidney Poitier

So much of life, it seems to me, is determined by pure randomness.~Sidney Poitier

First random thing:

I would like to like the show Eastwick because

1) the redhead witch was on Eureka a show I love

2)The actor who plays Darryl the Satan character was in this WONDERFUL PBS/Sundance show called Slings and Arrows. Which I LOVED.

3) I adore the other redhead Sara Rue to distraction. She was in a great movie called Gypsy 83 that everyone should see. It is also nice to see her not being a blonde bobblehead anymore. I actually love Sara Rue more than the first chick, but I’m writing this as I watch the tivo so I went to her first. She’s written whedonesque.

Next random thing:

Babbage, our small kitten has an insatiable need to knock every single glass or cup over. And crawl up my nose at every available opportunity.

I made a website today for the thing I’d like to do:

Still working on it.

I finished Feed

it wasn’t the story I thought it was, with the kids teaching themselves to read with emergency signs and manuals (must find that story again, it was good, possibly metafilter).

But it was goooooooood. And very topical and real. And I want to read more of him. I ignore banners and other net enticements, but the progression in this book is fully on point.

No really library tomorrow! I need more reading material. The sequels to Wicked Lovely and

Can I be an adult and be enthralled with YA lit? Well there are so many adult women who are crazy over Twilight, which I don’t get. I like bloodthirsty brooding wampires, not sparkling emos. But I saw the first movie and I’ll see this one. I justn don’t know if I can try and read the books again.

Now…the Hunger Games…Can’t wait to start THAT sequal. And the sequel to City of Bones

I’d really like to see the new Sherlock Holmes movie, because when Robert Downey Jr. isn’t on drugs, he’s an amazing actor–yes I liked Iron Man.

I made a very tasty dinner– Lovely pork chops (coleman’s mustard on both sides topped with paprika, salt. pepper, onions, apples and honey) and green beans sauteed with onions, breadcrumbs, and garlic. Yum. I missed having time to cook!

And I must finish the random notes for the day. This finishes it.