Tag: <span>#reverb11</span>

Where is my mind ~ Way out in the water See it swimmin ~Pixies

Well, where is my mind. My mind is on leaving my current job and going to my next one. I can’t say that I’ve got my head in the #reverb11 #resound11 etc game. I wish I did. I wanted too. There are just so many places to visit to find …

“The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.” Bertrand Russell

Take a minute and think about what your biggest time wasters. What are they? What would happen if you took some of the time you were spending on these things and focused on pursuiting your dreams and goals? Are there other areas in your day where you could work on …

The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct. Carl Jung

While being an adult is all fine and good, there’s something that nourishes the soul when we play and have fun. What’s your favorite kind of play? What do you enjoy about it? When’s the last time you played? Well that’s interesting. I used to play quite a bit more. …