Tag: <span>#wineparty</span>

Yes it’s this again

I have two weeks until Max Raabe in Dallas. I’m guessing nearly everyone is over hearing how crazed I am about he and his orchestra.       And This       Good god, I love them both. I love Nena. I always have. I have NEVER EVER listened …

A conclusion is the place where you get tired of thinking. Arthur Bloch

It’s one of those days. Days I’m just too tired. I can’t think of what to write, so I’m going to do that thing that I learned to do with kids… I might send them to One Word and get them thinking about one word and writing about it for …

We think we’re pretty smart…

Oh I’m taking a break from the Halloween Countdown—and I’ve had to because it was yet another exhausting week at work. I hope THAT gets better soon. I can’t decide if  I love it or not. I know I don’t like office politics. But I love the work, I love …

why I love the internet

Sometimes you meet people online and you find out things about them from their blogs, or twitter or email lists. And you like them. Sometimes you might never meet those folks in the flesh—but you can know them for years. I have quite a few folks like that back from …