There is only one success – to be able to spend your life in your own way, and not to give others absurd maddening claims upon it~Christopher Morley #resound11 #reverb11

There is only one success – to be able to spend your life in your own way, and not to give others absurd maddening claims upon it~Christopher Morley #resound11 #reverb11

Encapsulate the year 2011 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2012for you?

2010 : Flux

2011: Potent

This was from last year. Was it Potent? Yes. And 2010 was in flux.

This year has been potent in that three things I set out to do I have accomplished. I decided I was done being fat. That I needed to eat the right way—which meant cutting out pasta and bread and as much sugar as I could. And I have done that and I have lost 35 pounds. And Halloween and Fangsgiving put back a few, but I’m back on the good eating. It’s moving away a bit from primal and toward the “no processed foods” idea. Don’t eat what won’t rot. Don’t eat anything your grandmother woudn’t recognize as food.

I also wanted to progress in my job. I did. I was promoted. I’ve learned many new things. I have a lot more responsibility and opportunity.

I wanted to be come more involved in Twitter/blogging and social media in general. That took a bit, but the discovery of #wineparty certainly did that.


New word for this year—while potent fit, I would say that the word for this year has been

maddening—I’ll say more on this later.


The word for 2012 is /will be Adapted.

I will either find a new position or figure out how to survive in the one I’m in now. I will strengthen my body and we will become a part of our community by returning to the UU

.hmm have to discover what there is . We’ve made a few forays, but we need more.




  1. TuiSnider

    You made major strides in 2011, I’d say. Isn’t it nice to have a record of all that progress here in your blog?

    Wish you lived nearby, I’d do some city exploring with ya! 🙂


  2. rnvuchichevich

    I’m interested to hear how you’ve modified your diet – “moving away a bit from primal and toward the ‘no processed foods’ idea”. I’m struggling to get back on the wagon right at present, and there’s a whole lotta stress happening that’s making it even tougher.

    Love to you!

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