When chill November’s surly blast make fields and forest bare. ~Robert Burns

When chill November’s surly blast make fields and forest bare. ~Robert Burns

What is it about November?  I can barely stand to read over the previous year’s entries. I’ve been doing Nablopomo since the beginning and it seems each November there is some enormous decision, or some huge situation that demands attention.

Inn 2006 things got crazy in the Bean’s preschool and we had to take her out. We were also coming to the end of trying to have another child

In 2007 Things blew up with a person in our family. Blew up really high and really hot. We still haven’t recovered from that.

In 2008 Well I deleted all November 2008 so good lord, what was wrong there? I’m not actually sure I deleted it—it’s jut missing.

Two years ago it was leaving the MAT program. I’d dreamed about being a high school English teacher my entire life. I found out that was a better dream than reality. It broke my heart.

A year ago I dislocated my ankle. Yeah the ankle that isn’t ever going to be right again. The ankle that when I’m on it too long or to intensely requires that I use a cane to be able to keep walking.

This year…well I’ll tell you in a week or so. But it’s big.

But seriously, what is it about November?

Why are there such explosions in that month for us?

My father died in November.

I just don’t like November very much.

What is it about this month  that I realize that I just can’t or won’t do (insert X here) anymore—it’s just asking too much?

Is that November for you or do you have another month?