Where the senses fail us, reason must step in.Galileo Galilei

Where the senses fail us, reason must step in.Galileo Galilei

Kat Mcnally asks that we describe our year in terms of our five senses. Project Reverb wants to know what kept us anchored 

Well…J and Em kept me anchored. They always do. They are the reason I wake up in the morning and why I kept trying to make a bad thing work. They are also my strength. What I can’t do for myself I can for them. They know I will be there for them no matter what as I know they will for me. I finally understand and feel what real love is. We have our own small family that is good and loving.  We have broken the cycle and found happiness and safety. J and I have had our share of ups and downs. This year has been a particularly bad one. But we are almost through it. 

Describing my year in terms of the five senses? 

Sight? The shower wall as I cried every morning.

Sound? The silence of the night when I couldn’t sleep for dreading the morning.

Smell?  The horrid smell of the caved in ceiling in the kitchen as we waited and waited for the roof then the ceiling to be repaired.

Sweet Em

Taste? Everything tasted of ashes and grit this year.

Cat fur and tall 11 year old girl hugs


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