Xmess Seasonings

Xmess Seasonings

They had an all volunteer nativity pageant (complete with bunnies and wise women and extra stars)at Church today. Emily was a Shepherd and James was a sheep. It was so cute my head exploded. Then they started singing while she was up there and she was having none of it. A small shepherd meltdown. She was the youngest up there, so lasting for half of it was pretty cool. She just does not like people singing, except when it comes from the computer, tv or stereo. She tells me to be quiet all the time. It’s one of those weird three year old things.

On Friday we went to my friend Spencer’s office party. The Mudlarks were playing (or two of them), YAY! I realized suddenly when I’d started liking Irish music–and it wasn’t all those years later at the Nor Cal Ren Faire. Little kids dancing, good food. Met some nice folks and talked to a few others I sort of recognized. Got to see my old friend Karen and we made plans for after Xmess. She’s still got that funny adamant way of talking and sparkling eyes. It was just neat. And I got to show off our progeny, which is always cool–she wasn’t the least bit shy either. Started singing and dancing and asking (nicely even) for cookies. It was great.

I’m cleaning the house, two rooms each day for the party this Friday. It looks as if we’ll have around 20 some odd (well yes, hee) folks here. I’m trying to locate a baby sitter for the first few hours (any F’ville folks know of anyone, please do ping me!)to give the parents (and me too) a break but I’m not sure if that will work out yet. Hopefully Laura and I are going shopping on Tuesday for some good snacks. Monday is mail out the presents day and a trip to Party City for paper plates and napkins (for the kids, I’m going to use actual China and wine glasses for the adults W00t). Wednesday is the Bean’s last day before Holiday break.

Yarg. I hope to bake this afternoon too, but I have not been able to lose this sinus issue. I still have a head full of goo. I’m tired of being sick, but then that’s what the deal is for the next three years I’m told. Whoopie. I hate feeling like such a wuss, but then no one is shaking this cold around here either. It’s cutting quite a swathe in schools and workplaces.

Oh, did I mention–Bean’s teacher says she’s READING ACTUAL WORDS!!! I thought she was doing that here with her spelling and pointing them out at our reading time–but this is the independant verification I wanted. So when they asked for joys and sorrows in Church today, I stood up and said “our daughter started reading!” I then felt some surprise because I got all choked up –she’s started on one of the greatest adventures you can ever have–enjoying the written word. I can’t WAIT to read her chapters of Harry Potter, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Alice and the Wizard of Oz. It’s just wonderful.

So yeah, except for that one blip and being sick this has been a really neat week. Half the presents are wrapped, the Xmess cards are all out(ok maybe a couple still to go) and the tree is looking rather special (eyeball ornaments and beetlejuice characters, cat balls and purple lights, hee). The Bean has discovered the joy of candy canes and this could be our best one yet. I’m so looking forward to this weekend too.

Oh yeah–and everyone is coming over to our house for Xmess Dinner on Sunday. It’s going to be busy–but finally we get the chance to do these things we’ve been wanting to do for years now.

Naptime first though.