That’s the way it goes, it goes that way

That’s the way it goes, it goes that way

lonely chair

I’ve been gone a while again. I had a very bad jaw problem, we’ve had our house on the market and I’ve barely been able to take care of that and our kiddo too. We tried to give her as much of a summer as we could, but there was no vacation. And we couldn’t often have her friends over to spend the night because there for awhile we seemed to have a showing a day. But we let her go every time someone asked. I feel badly about not being able to reciprocate as often as I should have/would have liked to.

It’s been hard on all of us, constantly cleaning, constantly picking up, hurrying to be out of the house in time and knowing people are walking around judging and scoffing. We keep removing all of our personality from everywhere it existed and packing up cats into carriers and being gone, with them trapped for a couple of hours at a time, some times.

The worst part was not decorating for Halloween. Much at all. Only like three things when we usually have a graveyard and ghouls and fog and…yeah a party. Not this year. J was really bummed about it too. Actually so were a number of folks in the neighborhood.

This process  has more than started to wear on our young teenager but she really is handling it impressively. She has her moments. We all do. I cry, she cries, sometimes she’s angry but she does her best not to take it out on us, knowing we can’t do anything about it.  She’s stayed at her same wonderful school one more year. The class is small but she is happy. She misses her friends that have moved on to the Charter school. We hope she’ll get in there.

Will we actually sell our house and move before next school year? I honestly do not know.  Right now I go to work, clean, cook some things sometimes, check on Bean things, go to doc appointments for she and I, and then get home and turn into a vegetable. I don’t like that, but I am so burnt. At least the work I’m doing is interesting. And thank god for Netflix. I bought some coloring books…months ago and some nice pencils. I hope I’ll use them soon,I packed all my craft stuff and miss that.

I may redesign the site again, not sure I like this one. But this is the way it goes….